16 Jul 2017

The Scary World / Scary World Legends

My all time favourite storyline is "a dream to kill".

I remember when it was released I started off with "okay, yet another kill-mission..." and didn't even notice how it lead me from this to one of the scariest places in the game, the nursery. Which is like a sequel form the templar-story mission "Virgula Divina". I think Virgula Divina is now part of everone's story mission. Also oone of the scariest in the game.
Well at least it is for me.

Later on, with release of Tokio, there will be even scarier missions. Like, in a parking garage... Bad dreams are waiting for me...

For now, this one is enought to get a little nostalgic and share some screenshots of TSW and SWL of it.

Have fun and leave your nightlight on when you go to sleep!

8 Jul 2017

#MiaImpressions (#2)

Finally, Mia finished Solomon Island.
Did she take the present? ...
Noooo, she did not. 

More Pictures below, have fun!

6 Jul 2017

#MiaImpressions (#1)

So I editet some screenshots tonight.
Have fun watching Mia on her way to 50 in SWL.