23 Sept 2015

a phoenix fighting the shaman

(originally posted on http://www.tsw-rp.com/profile/13679650, participants: Ilana "LadyDhee" Valkhor, Jericho "IwoJima" Blake, Ethan "Sennex" Edwards and my lovely Dr. Edith "Ebha" Thorne)

You cannot control fire, Ilana had always told people who asked her for lessons. You have to accept it. It’s a part of you. If you suppress it, it will break through. You have to live it. You have to take the consequences. Fire can keep you warm. It can help you to survive. But it can also burn you down. When it came to the elements, fire seemed to be the most aggressive one.
She had years to learn how to deal with that – with her heritage. But only a few months
for the “Dark flame”. It was a different source, a different kind of fire – a new power, young and untamed still. And it would be a lie to pretend, Ilana Val’khor completely knew the full extent of it. Keeping the balance – that was all she could do for now. Don’t let one side win! It would only lead to nasty consequences, no matter which one came first.

A whole year… Fifteen months in total… Without ever doing something similar to this. Now Edith Thorne is doing it over and over again. A new life, an old habit. Her mother would be proud – if she would even know. But she does not. The doctor now wishes the old wise lady to be by her side. To guide her, to provide advice, if needed.
Let the elements guide you, trust them. Trust the spirits. Trust your ancestors and you will not fail – you cannot fail.
Eddy takes a look around. What she is planning to do next could possibly draw a little attention on the group of four, but then again… “Where are all the people gone…?” a soft, thoughtful whisper it is.
She takes a few steps away from the others, stretching after getting out of the cab. The moon is still full, she notices. That will help a lot. Full moon means tide rises more than usual. She starts humming a simple melody, puts her bag to the ground, opens her jacket and takes the small medicine bag out, puts it into the rear pocket of her jeans. Now the symbol on her t-shirt is uncovered (the Lion of St. Mark, not displayed with a book as usual, but with a Sword), but Eddy simply goes on with slipping out of her shoes.
Bare-footed and still humming that certain melody the doctor is starting to put her hair into a tight woven French braid. While doing this, which could possibly seem to be either weird or vain, humidity is rising slightly. There is a special atmospheric feeling around them, as if it is about to start raining.
Ethan might notice Eddy walking in a small circle, facing the cardinal directions: east, south, west, north. But the known sidekicks of what she is doing are not noticeable yet.

Ilana watches Eddy with a certain curiosity. It’s so very... controlled. Fascinating in a way. Something she’d never be able to do. Her full attention lies on the woman. She wouldn’t even notice if someone came closer to the group. At least not now.
There is a sense of… memory? Not in a conscious way. Something her body seems to feel. Yet only a fraction of it. The result is a that particular fascination in her eyes, as they follow every move Eddy makes.

When Eddy has turned to the West, direction of water, the atmosphere has changed to a raising thunderstorm. Also, her clothes changed from damp to dripping wet, as if she has jumped into a pool completely clad and climbed out again. Standing inside of her quickly summoned circle of protection, the doctor now addresses Ilana directly, with a voice full of the melody’s sound she was humming before, yet not singing in any way.
“Let’s get hot. Attack me with fire.”

And Ilana… hesitates. She even takes a step back, narrowing her brows, looking at her almost unbelievingly. How could it come she didn’t think about THAT? That it was an attack Eddy needed?

“Ilana: Focus. Trust. Do it.” Eddy does not raise her voice which is so professionally calm yet powerful.

Ilana’s eyes finally catch Eddy’s again – and then all of a sudden – they flicker. Only for a second. A moment in time. Ilana takes a half step back, smoothly it seems, almost like a short, but effective dance move. The next things happen within a few seconds.
At first it’s only a tingling in her fingertips, as she stretches and bends them once, twice. Then it spreads through her veins, rushes through her whole body, longing, yearning to follow that sweet command. The branding, hidden underneath her clothes, starts to glow softly – but Ilana urges it to stop.
It’s a soft growling that slips through her lips, either to herself or to Eddy before her arms swing backwards, only to rise up to the sides in a powerful act. Powerful – yes, since there is a sudden heat accompanying this gesture. Another step forward, again so close to a dance move, yet with a hint of wildness in it, her arms rush forward. The flames seem to evolve out of this movements, spreading across her fingers, dancing to form a hard stroke, addressed directly to Eddy. Anyone else, anyone unprotected, would certainly burst into flames immediately.

Exactly this is what is now happening to Eddy: She bursts in flames when Ilana’s attack hits her. The dark-skinned woman opens her Arms as if to embrace the fire. Underneath the sound of hungry flames trying to consume and destroy the small woman they are covering, Eddy moans shortly. Then she raises her hands up, reaching for the full moon – and the fire dies, leaving a small cloud of steam behind.
The doctor, unharmed, is left behind frowning, yet steaming a little.
“Not enough. Try harder.” She laughs and adds a playful: “Give it to me, Baby.”

“This usually is my sentence…”, Ilana murmurs into the darkness – a hint of humor, before she turns around in one elegant move, only to take the power from the swing to increase the heat to a level that can actually be painful by now. The next stroke does hit Eddy even harder – and this time, Ilana can’t fully suppress the dark flame glowing underneath her shirt.
Others wouldn’t notice the twist. But Eddy can feel it in the air. Something dark, something that can – if used on purpose – cloud people’s minds. Not consciously, but more like a drug. A deceptive soothing darkness, like smoke rising up from the demonic flame.

This time Eddy holds against it. Ballett-dancer by nature, she stands en pointe, body on full tense, reaching for the moon with her hands again – and Ilana’s Fire will crash into a wall of water.
“Go on! Don’t stop!” – the young shaman daughter demands, like she will not.
Water is summoned continuously holding against the slightly demonic fire, trying to suppress it, knocking it back. Ilana herself will have to put more effort in it, if she does not want to take a shower now.
While the elements are fighting, all four can hear water splashing, steaming, and misting the area.
A fresh breeze seems to rise coincidentally, cooling the hot steam and prevent men and women from scalding themselves.

Ilana doesn’t stop, she actually follows Eddy’s command. Even though a cold shower in the end may be necessary. At some point the fire almost seems to shimmer through her skin - and here and there tiniest cracks appear on her neck, as if it simply searched for more ways to break through.
There is an immense amount of power in the way she sends her fire towards the water shaman now - there is no restraint anymore. Maybe because she thinks or sees that Eddy can stand it. Maybe cause the flame simply no longer wants to be controlled. Either way the plan should definitely work out.

In the beginning Eddy was addressing to the cardinal directions belonging to their elements: East for air, south for fire, west for water and north for earth. Respectfully she has asked for help and guidance – and it was granted.
Air made her light-hearted, freed. The cool breeze now coming up also touches Ilanas burning, bruising skin and the effect of air should also apply to her now. Fire filled her with energy and warmth, an effect that should be well-known by Ilana. But now the sincere, softer shamanistic effect of working with her soulbound element should apply, also.
Water, the soulbound friend of Edith herself, purifies her body and mind, washes away all dark and bad. It freshens and cools – also this will have now effect on the pink-haired opponent, while the mist is rising and thickening. The last element, earth, made Eddy strong, vivid and powerful as wished, as needed. And it settled her mind. Through their connection of fighting elements, and because they are standing on the same ground, Also this should now happen to Ilana.
The last thing the fiery warrior will notice – is a whisper in her mind only. Eddy’s voice.
“My last call is both: my blessing and my burden. I ask the power of spirit into my circle tonight. Keeper of faith, hope and reason. Of love and compassion. Clear our minds, lend us your power to concentrate and focus. Strengthen our will. Let us NOW end this fight without harming each other.” - NOW it should be obvious that Eddy never stopped "talking" to the powers she summoned so silently before.
Meanwhile the fog they need for tonight will be reaching out the street, crouching in direction to the building the want to intrude tonight.

Ilana growls at her, those green eyes shimmering dangerously for a while - till they flicker. She blinks, she looks around, to the left, to the right - and growls again, before her arms sink down and the fire stops.

It may take some more moments till the heat fades to a normal level, being replaced by cool air. Ilana though moans slightly as she stretches herself. “Damn… now I want a steak…”, she murmurs, that growling still somewhere inside her voice.

When the fight ends, Eddy simply falls to her knees. She moans once, sighs once. Takes a deep breath.
“Good work.”

“Is she OK?” Blake whispers to Ilana. He suddenly appears through the fog beside her, how does someone so big move so quietly?

Ilana takes a look at Eddy - a relatively short one. She blinks a bit, looking at Jericho, till she says: “Yes. She… is okay. We both are. Thank you.”. Though there’s a slight hint of humour shimmering through her words. “Just give her a moment to adjust... “

“I’m adjusted.” While they were talking, Eddy puts on her jacket, her boots and took the bag. Right now she is stepping out of her protection circle with those invisible borders. “Ready when you are.” Seemingly, nothing has changed her, except for the soaking wet clothes and hair she is wearing now - Maybe she is just quite professional with keeping a pokerface.

Blake’s shades study Ilana for a moment. “Steak, huh?” He smiles slightly at Ilana before turning to look at them all. “I got a bunch of keys from one of them. Still, no intel on the security system. We move out when the ladies are ready. I’ll take point. Ms. Valkhor follows. Then Dr. Thorne. Brother, you got our six.” He pauses, then turns back to Ethan. “Try not to get too distracted,” he deadpans.

Ilana’s mouth twitches in amusement. She gives Jericho a short, meaningful look, till she turns around to take a look at the street. “Okay, I’m ready”, she simply says and casually adjusts her braid, pulling back some strands of pink hair, that had slipped free during the firework.

After checking in if the ladies were okay and survived their steamy clash, you may turn around and see the impressive consequences of their actions. The fog is slowly crawling along the street, swallowing building by building, embracing them in a moist and somehow both light and heavy way. When it reaches the street lamps, they flicker softly. Now and then, a light bulb bursts as if it just couldn’t take the pressure.

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